Agriculture is one of the most important industries. Over time, agriculture has seen remarkable progress. The company offers AGRO foils which are used instead of greenhouses, as they enable better and faster plant growth.

Advantages of agro foil:

  • Protects against insects and other plant pests.
  • On hot summer days protects plants from drying out and loss of moisture,
  • On winter days, it protects against the cold.
  • Depending on the weather conditions, it may overlap multi-layer.

In the sales programme we also offer films for :

  • Mulching
  • Geotextil for agriculture


Anti-root foils prevents the growth of weeds and roots while directing the growth of roots down.


  • Braking and stopping the grow of roots, through the surface of paving, ponds, pipes
  • It’s like building around trees. Foils can cut and determine where plants can grow.

Anti-root foil is UV resistant, which helps to prevent the material from breaking down. It is suitable for multi-year use and is harmless to the floor.